My Day Off: A Walkabout

This day off was suggested by my husband Gregg after I asked him to join me on a walk about through my gardens last evening while gathering food for our dinner;  cabbage, greens, apples, onions, peppers, zucchini and nettles for salad and tea.He had not had the...

The life of Wool: Process in fiber

Spring is a time for new beginnings. With spring comes the melting of the snow, the start of the garden, and the passing of yet another winter. For us here at the farm, spring has brought two wonderful things: The beginning of new projects, and the birth of new lambs...

Fiber Studio Update: The Life of Wool

Fiber Farming and Wool Processing The Textile Expansion at Nezinscot Farm Over the past seven months I’ve had the pleasure of learning about the art and craft of fiber farming. What started out as a desire to master the art of weaving and spinning has transformed into...

Fiber Studio Announcements

Nezinscot Farm Fiber Studio Updates Welcome Our Fiber Studio 2017 Artist in Residence and Fiber Intern Sarah is our current fiber studio artist-in-residence and shepherds apprentice. Her main focus has become sustainable fashion and housewares and organic textiles....