My Day Off: August 10th

My Days off have been few and far between as of late and therefore less time to sit and write. Here I am, though on a well needed overcast day with perhaps rain showers on their way. I felt the need to light the large bundle of mugwort this morning to help the rain...

Biodynamic Prep

With warmer weather in the forecast, finally, it is officially time to start the annual biodynamic process of prepping the fields and gardens for planting. We use The Josephine Porter Institute For Applied Bio-Dynamics for our applied biodynamics and they provide...

My Day Off: April 14th

My days off this week were spent catching up. I caught up on some rest, reading, and spring planning. Part of that planning is around upcoming school vacation and what tasks do I have that I can put my two boys to work on. As a child I remember the annual spring...